Privacy Policy


Weichimei Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter: Weichimei, WSS, we, us, our) respects your privacy and takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. This Privacy Policy document contains types of information that is collected and recorded by Weichimei and how we use it. The Policy applies to Weichimei’s websites, products, and services that display and link to this webpage. We reserve the right to change this policy from time to time, and we recommend checking this page regularly for updates. 

Use of our Website

1. General: When you visit our website, we process the data that your browser transfers to our server. The collected information include internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date and time stamp, referring/exit pages, and possibly number of clicks. These are not linked to your personal information. The purpose of the information is for analyzing trends, administering the site, tracking users’ website movement, and collecting demographic information.

2. Cookies: Like other websites, Weichimei uses “cookies.” Cookies are small text files which store your preferences and website visits on your hard drive. They are used to make our website more user-friendly. You can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer by changing your browser settings. However, some features on this website may not function properly.

3. Contact form: If you contact us by submitting contact form via this website, we will store the data you have provided to us (your e-mail, name, phone number, etc.) in order to respond to your inquiry. The data you provide on our contact form is transferred between your browser and our server in encrypted form.


1. Customers: If our customers provide any personal information in the context of our contractual relationship (e.g. name and contact information), we will process such data in order to perform the contract.

2. Potential Customers and Interested Parties: If potential customers and interested parties have provided personal information to us via the website, we will process the data for the processing of your request or inquiry (e.g. follow-up and messages). Besides, we may invite you to provide us with personal information for services such as email newsletters, information updates, and invitations. 

Disclosure of Your Personal Information

1. Sharing information: We may share your information with selected third parties such as: (a) our subsidiaries and affiliates; (b) advertisers and advertising partners; (c) search engine providers and analytics that assist us  in the optimization of users’ experience and website performance; (d) service providers. 

2. Disclosure: We may disclose your personal information to other companies and parties that we have commissioned to carry out individual assignments and services on our behalf. The disclosure of data is limited to the extent necessary for the completion of the assigned activities. We take extra care in selecting and monitoring these companies. Moreover, we will only disclose personal information to third parties if we are required to do so by law or other legitimate regulations. 

Data Storage and Security

For the protection of your personal data, we take certain measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, loss, misuse or destruction. However, data transmission via internet may be subject to security risks and you acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible for, and cannot guarantee against, any unauthorized use, distribution, damage or destruction of personal data. 

Personal information is stored for the time that is necessary to achieve the purpose of their storage and deleted when there is no longer a purpose to their storage or on expiry of a deadline enforced by law.

Your Rights/Contact

By using our website, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy or the use of data that we list above, you should not use the website. If you want to stop receiving communications from us or unsubscribe from our contact list, you may inform us by using the following contact details:  Weichimei Technology Industrial Co., Ltd, No. B1B2, No.1, Shangxiawei Chuangye Industrial Zone, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, email: [email protected].

We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. By continuing to browse on this website, you accept the use of cookies for the above purposes.